Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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newStone Scripts and Projects and Tools

newStone Scripts and Projects and Tools created for teacher,...

Download School Attendance App Updated App Version

School Attendance App Updated - Download School Attendance App...

B.Ed. Degree Not A Qualification For Primary School Teacher : Supreme Court Reiterates

B.Ed. Degree Not A Qualification For Primary School Teacher...

🗣️ తల్లిదండ్రులకు, ఉపాధ్యాయులకు, విద్యార్ధులకు ముఖ్య గమనిక. 📻 మీరు లేదా మీ పిల్లలచే రూపొందించ బడిన కథలు, పద్యాలు, నాటికలు, పాఠాలు, స్పోకెన్ ఇంగ్లీష్.. ఇతరాలు మా ఆన్లైన్ రేడియో లో ఉచితంగా ప్రసారం చేయబడును. దీనికి గాను మీరు రూపొందించిన ఆడియో ఫైల్ ను ఏ విధమైన బాక్ గ్రౌండ్ నాయిస్ లేకుండా మాకు 9493308090 నంబర్ కు టెలిగ్రాం యాప్ ద్వారా పంపండి. ఆడియో ఫైల్ ప్రారంభం లో మీ పేరు, ఊరు వంటి వివరాలు చెప్పి, మీరు చెప్పాలనే అంశం పేర్కొని ఆడియో ఫైల్ పంపండి. తదుపరి ప్రసారం చేసే సమయం మీకు తెలియ చేస్తాం. రేడియో ప్రసారాలను newstone.in యొక్క ప్రతి లింక్ మీద వినవచ్చును

newStone Scripts and Projects and Tools

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newStone Scripts and Projects and Tools created for teacher, employ related, school related and public related. These scripts will made for people, employe intrest.

Trending Projects/Scripts/Tools

Work Adjustment 2024 – Know Teacher Present Working School by Treasury ID

Enter Treasury ID and Click on Submit Button. You will get teacher working school details. Click Here

Latest Projects/Scripts/Tools

Know CMRF Deduction details 04.09.2024

AP JAC announced 1 day basic in September-2024 for victims of flood effected people in Vijayawada and all other places in Andhra Pradesh. To Know Selct Your basic pay and submit. You will get details that how much amount will be deducted to CMRF in September-2024 (Static Project). Click Here

MDM Rice, Ragi Pindi, Jaggery Allotment

All mandal schools allotment

Select Erstwhile District >> Mandal >> Commodity >> Month >> Year then click on Get Allotment Details button. You will get All schools allotment in that respective mandal (Dynamic Project). Click here

Know Allotment by DISE Code

Enter DISE Code then click on Get report button. You will get respective school Rice, Ragi pindi, Jaggery allotment details with school basic details. If not loaded allotment details click on Refresh allotment button to reload page (Dynamic Project). Click Here

Know Allotment by FP Shop Number

Enter FP Shop number, Select Month and Year. then click on Get Allotment Details button. You will get respective FP Shop tagged schools Rice, Ragi pindi, Jaggery allotment details (Dynamic Project). Click Here

Daily MDM opted student details

Enter DISE code and date then submit. You will get MDM opted student details (Dynamic Project). Click Here

Not Availed (Rice, Ragi Pindi, Jaggery not recevied) Schools List District Wise

Select District and Commodity then click on submit button. You will get not availed (Rice, Ragi Pindi, Jaggery not recevied) schools list. Enter Mandal Code/DISE code/School Name to filter results (Dynamic Project). Click Here

School Level and School Related

Year End Enrollment Details 2024

Enter DISE Code and Click on Enrollment Particulars button. You will get Academic year end roll (Static Project). Click Here

Work Adjustment 2024 – Enrollment as on 09.08.2024 and Today Enrollment

Enter DISE Code and Click on Get Report button. You will Enrollment particulars on 09.08.2024 and as on today Enrollment (Dynamic Project). Click Here

Teacher Daily FR attendance report by DISE Code

Enter DISE Code and Select Date, then click on Get report button. You will get all teachers FR in time and out time. And also you will know about right in/right out/late in/ late out status also (Dynamic Project). Click Here

Teacher Present working school by Treasury ID

Enter Treasury ID, then click on Know your school button. You will get working school details. Work adjustment 2024 deputed teachers will show in new school. Check here by Treasury ID (Dynamic Project). Click Here

Student Present studying school by Student State ID

Enter Student ID, then click on Know your school button. You will get studying school details (Dynamic Project). Click Here

Employee/Salary Related tools

Salary/Pay change details

Select your basic pay and HRA, then click on Get pay details button. You will get your present pay/salary earnings details with increment and without increment. You willl know Gross value with out any special increments (Static Project). Click Here

Download EHS Family health cards without any username or password

Enter Treasury ID/ Pensioner ID, then click on Get Health Cards button. Download llink will be generated. Click on Click Here To Download Your Health Card Link. You will see your, and your family number names. Click on Telugu or English link to download requied person health card (Dynamic Project). You don’t need any username or password. Click Here

Know CMRF Deduction details 04.09.2024

AP JAC announced 1 day basic in September-2024 for victims of flood effected people in Vijayawada and all other places in Andhra Pradesh. To Know Selct Your basic pay and submit. You will get details that how much amount will be deducted to CMRF in September-2024 (Static Project). Click Here

Other Projects/Scripts/Tools

Know village LGD code and Habitation codes

Select district, mandal, village, then click on Get LGD code button. You will get village LGD code and habitation codes (Static Project). Click Here

Know SMC User ID for IMMS app

Enter DISE code, then click on Get SMC userid button. You will get SMC user id (Static Project). Click Here

Know Grama/Ward Sachivalaym code and IMMS WEA User ID

Select erstwhile district and mandal, then all sachilayam codes will be auto displyed in same page. Click on sachivalaym code for WEA IMMS user ID (Static Project). Click Here

General Scripts/Projects/Tools

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

Enter your weight in KG’s and height in centimeters, then click on Get BMI value. You will get your BMI value and your status and instruction (Static Project). Click Here


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