Letter No. FINO1-34023/5/2018-SO(HR V)-FINANCE-4, Dt :01-04-2022
1. The President / Genl. Secretary. A.P.N.G.Os Association
2. The President / Genl. Secretary, A.P. Secretariat Association.
3. The President / Genl. Secretary, Progressive Recognized Teachers Union, AP (PRTU).
4. The President / Genl. Secretary. State Teachers Union, AP (STUAP).
5. The President / Genl. Secretary. A.P. United Teachers Federation (APUTF).
6. The President / Genl. Secretary. A.P. Teachers Federation (Regd.No.1938(APTF).
7. The President / Genl. Secretary, All A.P. Govt.. Vehicles Drivers Central Association.
8. The President / Genl. Secretary. All A. P. Govt. Class-IV Employees Central Association.
9. The President / Genl. Secretary, A. P. Revenue Services Association,
10.The President / Genl. Secretary, A.P. Govt., Employees Association,
11.The President / Genl. Secretary, A.P. Treasury Services Association,
12.The President / Genl Secretary, A.P. Co-operative Service Association.
13.The President / Genl. Secretary, A.P. Survey Employecs Association.
14.The President / Genl. Secretary. A.P. Commercial Taxes NGOs Association,
15.The President / Genl. Secretary, A.P. Live stock Service Association.
16.The President / Genl. Secretary. A.P. State Typists & Stenographers Association.
17. The president / General Secretary, AP CPS Udyogula Sangham (APCPSUS)
18. The president/General Secretary, AP CPS Employees Association (APCPSEA)
Sub: Meetings – Consultative meeting an Contributory Pension Scheme(CPS) on 07-04-2022 in the Conference Hall, Finance Department letter cancelled – Regarding.
Ref: LetterNo.FINO1-34023/5/2018-SO(HRV)-FINANCE-1,Dt:01.04.2022
It is informed that the letter communicated vide reference cited above is hereby cancelled.