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Facial Recognition Based Attendance : School Education and Other Departments Exempted

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FRS అప్లికేషన్ ద్వారా హాజరు నమోదు చేయుట నుంచి విద్యాశాఖ, గ్రామ / వార్డు సచివాలయం వంటి కొన్ని డిపార్ట్మెంట్స్ ను మినహాయిస్తూ ఆ శాఖల ఉద్యోగులు తదుపరి ఉత్తర్వులు వచ్చేవరకు ఇప్పటివరకు హాజరు నమోదు కొరకు ఉపయోగిస్తున్న అప్లికేషన్స్ ద్వారానే (ఉదాహరణ గ్రామ వార్డు సచివాలయం శాఖ ఉద్యోగులు) హాజరు నమోదు చేయవచ్చని ఉత్తర్వులు విడుదల చేసిన ఏపి ప్రభుత్వం.

facial recognition based attendance : school education and other departments exempted

Sub: GAD-PU- Attendance by Photography(Facial Recognition Based Attendance System)- Implementation in Secretariat Departments, HoDs and District Offices – Further Instructions – Issued.

Ref:-1. G.O.Ms.No.159 G.A(PU-B) Dept., dated:26-12-2022. 

2. Cir.Memo.No.GAD01-PUOGAD/27/2022-PU-Bdt:27.12.2022.

3. Cir.Memo.No.GAD01-PUOGAD/27/2022-PU-B dt:29.12.2022, 9.1.2023 & 11.1.2023.

4. E-mail received from the P.M., ITE&C Department,dt. 19-01-2023.

In the reference 1st cited, orders have been issued to all the Departments of Secretariat, Heads of Departments, District Offices for implementation of the Attendance by Photography (Facial Recognition Based Attendance System) to the employees working in the offices of Secretariat Departments, Heads of Departments and District Offices w.e.f.01-01-2023.

2. In this regard, the ITE & C Department, in the reference 4th cited have informed that, certain departments viz., HM&FW, School Education, Village Volunteers and Village Secretariat employees of PR&RD Department, and Ward Volunteers and Ward Secretariat employees of MA&UD Department, have been using their own Department Specific FRS App for the purpose of marking attendance of their staff, and therefore requested to necessary instruction in this regard.

3. After careful consideration, the Departments noted in the address entry are informed that they are permitted to continue their Department’s Specific FRS Mobile App for which they have been using for the purpose of marking attendance of their staff in the App, for the time being until further orders.


facial recognition based attendance : school education and other departments exempted
SI. No E code Secretariat Department Name of the HOD
1 HMF02 Medical Education Department,
2 HMF03 Public Health and Family Welfare Department,
3 HMF04 Family Welfare Department,
4 HMF05 HM&FW Institute of Preventive Medicine
5 HMF06 Ayurveda Yoga Unani Siddha & Homeopathy (AYUSH) Department,
6 HMF07 Drugs Control Administration
7 HMF51 AP Vaidya Vidhana Parishad
8 ESE02 Human Resources (School Education) Commissioner of School Education Department,
9 ESE13 SSA(Rajiv Vidya Mission)
10 PRR02 PR&RD (Village Volunteers and Village Secretariat Employees) Commissioner of Panchayat Raj
11 MAU02 MA&UD Director of Municipal Administration


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