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Teach Tool Training 6 Day Orientation at Vijayawada from 21st November, District Level from 5th December

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Present  :   Sri.B.Pratap  Reddy

RC NO.ESE02/173/2/2022-SCERT                                           Dated  31.10.2022

teach tool training 6 day orientation at vijayawada from 21st november, district level from 5th december

Sub:SE-SCERT-AP  conducting  a  6 day  Orientation  on Phase  II- TEACH Trainings -procedural  Instructions  – in  the selection  of potential  MTs  for  Level-2  – orders  issued  -Regarding

Ref: 1.As per the  orders issued by the  commissioner of school education, at the second   implementation   review   programme   by  world   bank   and  other stake  holders  of the  field  of education  in  the  review  meeting,

2. As per the  Lr.Re.No.  ESE02/173/2/2022

3.  As per the  mail received  by WB ,LFE  team  on 31 October

4. As per the  instructions  given  by  the  Director SCERT,AP.



All   the   Regional   Joint   Directors   of  School   Education,   and   the   District Educational  Officers  in  the  state  are  aware  that   TEACH Tool training  program    on class room  observation  for   the  transformation  of the  class  room  based  learning,  is going  on.

In  this   connection  there  is  a  need   to  conduct  the  Phase  II  of the  TEACH Orientation  programme  to cover the overall  Target  of  14000  Observers  in  the state.

As  per  the   need  of  the   system  TEACH Tool  is  developed  to  assist  the observers  in  class  room  observation and to guide the teachers in teaching  learning processes.

In   the   reference   cited   above,   it   is   now   planned   to   organize   a    6  day  orientation  on     TEACH   from  21November2022  to  -26  November  2022  -at  Hotel Alankar  Inn,  near  Lenin  centre,  Vijayawada.

The Master Trainers  (MTs)  requirement for this training  is  252  across the 26 Districts  of the  State.

The proposed  schedule  for the  phase 02-TEACH  Training is  –

A) Level-2:  21st to  26th  November  2022  (for  06 days)  at Vijayawada  and                                       

B)  Level-3  : 5th   to  13th  December  2022  in  all 26 Districts  (for 9days)  at their respective  Districts.

In this context  we  request  all  the  DEOs and  AMOs from  all  Districts  to select and  prepare  the  Potential  Observers  list  from   HMs,  DIET  lecturers,  Senior  School Assistants   and   CRPs  for   MTs      in   coordination   with   the   LFE   Implementation Coordinators and to enclose the selected list to upload on the mail monitoringteam@leadershipforequity.org        on or  before  4th  of  November  2022  at 3.00pm  and  also  to the  mail of SCERT, AP.

Criteria  to  select  the potential  Candidates  by  the  District  officials  along  with Implementation  Coordinator,  LFE for the  MTs  Screening  process  should  include …

  • Should  pass  in  the  Reliability  Exam  – Primary  & Secondary
  • Done  06  Classroom  Observations  as part  of the  Base line  on Teach App
  • Age  Below 50  years
  • Good  Content  and  Facilitation  skills
  • Having  good  Technical Knowledge


  • 1.The MTs required for this  training is  252 across the  26 Districts  of the  state.
  • 2.Selection process of  the  potential  master  trainers  from  the  qualified Observers will  be  based  on  an  online  screening  test  along  with  a  video  submission. 
  • 3.keep in     view  of  this,  there  is  a  need to  select the  master  trainers  double in number  needed. 

Further  instructions  /proceedings  will .be  served  as  per the  schedule. 

Click here to Download Proceedings


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